Office of Governmental Relations
Iowa's first General Assembly established The University of Iowa as the first public institution of higher learning in the state. Thus began the over 150-year partnership between the University of Iowa and the federal and state government.
The University of Iowa’s Office of Government Relations provides the crucial link in maintaining this significant relationship for students, faculty, staff and the citizens of Iowa. As an institution of public higher education, the state assistance received by the UI is used to support the success of Iowa students in the classroom and beyond.
Collaboration between the state legislature and the UI is organized by the Iowa Board of Regents, which is solely responsible for legislative policy-making for the Regent universities. Under its overall governance authority, it organizes the legislative liaison activities of the universities. These activities are vital to the continued academic and fiscal well-being of the institutions and public higher education in Iowa.
To learn more about the University of Iowa’s engagement with the state or federal government please follow the appropriate links.